Mitglieder 2.746

Benutzername Herkunft Wohnort Registrierungsdatum Letzte Aktivität Beiträge

Quinn Michael Wells Former Head of State

Astoria State Greenville 12. April 2009 10.037

Alricio Scriptatore Theta Alpha Member

Hybertina 15. April 2006 8.664

David Clark No. 52

Alcantara Bay Lake, Alcantara 15. Juli 2012 8.602

Steve McQueen THE General!

Alcantara Montague County 29. August 2006 7.348

Bob O'Neill Former U.S. President

Laurentiana New Beises 21. April 2007 7.069

Georges Laval Un vieil homme

Freeland Petite Espoir 23. Januar 2009 6.438

Charlotte McGarry XXII. President of the USA

New Alcantara Stars Hollow, N.A. 11. Januar 2009 5.538

Alexander Xanathos seated at the left hand of the Father

Freeland Seaford 3. November 2006 5.400

Timothy Ford Ghosting people since 2017

Assentia Freyburg 5. September 2014 5.148

Márkusz Varga 42nd U.S. President

Assentia Freyburg, Assentia 1. Juni 2013 4.768

Adam Denton Freeland pour toujours!

Freeland Amada 28. November 2011 4.714

Ronald D. Crane U.S. Citizen

Assentia Durban 4. Juni 2006 4.018

Richard D. Templeton Former U.S. President

Laurentiana New Beises 20. Januar 2009 3.905

Dwain Anderson Someone

Serena Northwood, Peninsula 18. April 2006 3.633

Claire Gerard Out of Congress

Serena Freeport City, Serena 2. Februar 2010 3.393

Béatrice Laval Effrontée & partout

Astoria State Portham 6. Mai 2011 3.316

JVF Retired Politician

Freeland Lyton 24. Mai 2007 3.111

Liam Aspertine Expert on Foreign Affairs

Astoria State 2. November 2009 3.097

Norman Howard Hodges Elder Statesman

Freeland Gareth, Freeland 9. November 2008 3.091

Jerry Cotton Former U.S. President

Assentia Ambridge 12. Juli 2006 3.073

Jake Ulysses Smith President No. 60 & No. 64

Laurentiana Octavia 14. September 2013 2.979

Gregory Jameson mens sana in corpore sano

Laurentiana Laurentiana 16. Dezember 2009 2.968

Ben Kingston #55

Astoria State Greenville 13. September 2016 2.918

Dominic Stone Pragmatic Gentleman

Laurentiana New Beises 1. Oktober 2013 2.868

Andriz Bürger

Serena Hong Nam, Chan-Sen 5. August 2006 2.727

Astorian Sports Network TV-Sender

Assentia Durban 18. Januar 2013 2.544

Lyman Taft Democrat

Assentia Durban 1. Oktober 2014 2.519

Sookie Stackhouse Former U.S. President

Laurentiana Bon Temps / Laurentiana 18. März 2011 2.499

Marc Peterson at the other end of the rainbow

Astoria State Astoria City 3. Januar 2009 2.494

Ulysses Q. Monroe The 26th U.S. President

Astoria State Greenville 16. Februar 2009 2.378