Dem Präsidenten wird die Beschlussfassung von Repräsentantenhaus und Senat über die Military Healthcare Improvement Bill in der üblichen Form übermittelt.
Es gibt 648 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 139.415 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Elizabeth Thorndike.
Dem Präsidenten wird die Beschlussfassung von Repräsentantenhaus und Senat über die Military Healthcare Improvement Bill in der üblichen Form übermittelt.
Mit gehöriger Verspätung überbringt der Bote dem White House auch die vom House am 30. Juli 2024 und vom Senate am 31. August 2024 verabschiedete Financial Industry Reform and Modernization (FIRM) with Regulations Bill zur Unterschrift - die Kongressverwaltung teilt dazu mit, dass es dabei wohl ein Büroversehen gegeben habe.
The Honorable Tamara Arroyo
The President of the United States
The White House, DC
October 8th, 2024
Dear Madam President,
It is my distinct privilege to inform you that the nomination of
Nele Silverbloom to be United States Secretary of State
Richard Hamlin to be United States Attorney General
Joey Thurman to be United States Secretary of Commerce
Maria Torres to be United States Secretary of Defense and Veterans Affairs
Dr. Stéphan Bernier to be United States Secretary of Health, Education and Labor and Civic Partizipation
Clara Paulson to be United States Secretary of Homeland Security
has been confirmed by the United States Senate.
October 8th, 2024
Elizabeth Thorndike
President pro tempore
Der Präsidentin wird die Beschlussfassung von Repräsentantenhaus und Senat über die Department of Commerce Reorganization Bill in der üblichen Form übermittelt.
Der Präsidentin wird die Beschlussfassung von Repräsentantenhaus und Senat über die Reconstruction, Emergency aid, and Care for Our Veterans and Everyone Affected by Ratelon's War of Aggression (RECOVER) and Demand Reparations Bill in der üblichen Form übermittelt.
Der Präsidentin wird die Beschlussfassung von Repräsentantenhaus und Senat über den National and Homeland Security Act Reform Act in der üblichen Form übermittelt.
January 05, 2025
The Hon. Tamara Arroyo
President of the United States
The White House
District of the Capital
Madam President!
I hereby notify you that you have neglected your constitutional duty as President of the United States to report on the State of the Union no later than the month of December 2024, as provided for by Section 2 Subsection 2 of the State of the Union Report Act.
In accordance with Section 3 of said act, I have caused a declaration of reprimand to be entered into the public records of the U.S. House of Representatives on the date of this letter, an attested copy of which I attached to this letter (Attachment 1).
It is the position of the U.S. House of Representatives, that you are in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the laws of these United States.
The House reserves the right to consider further action on this issue in principle, while I acknowledge that your request for an Address to both Houses of Congress has been received and will be considered as of the date of this declaration.
Sincerely yours,
(Jacob A. Glenwood)
Speaker of the House
The Honorable Tamara Arroyo
The President of the United States
The White House, DC
January 6th, 2025
Dear Madam President,
I hereby notify you that you have neglected your constitutional duty as President of the United States to report on the State of the Union no later than the month of December 2024, as provided for by Section 2 Subsection 2 of the State of the Union Report Act.
In accordance with Section 3 of said act, I have caused a declaration of reprimand to be entered into the public records of the U.S. House of Representatives on the date of this letter, an attested copy of which I attached to this letter (Attachment 1).
It is the position of the U.S. Senate, that you are in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the laws of these United States. In recognition of your request for an address to both Houses of Congress, received on your own initiative prior to any written reprimand from the Congressional leadership, the Senate will reserve no further action and hereby considers the matter closed.
Sincerely yours,
Elizabeth Thorndike
President pro tempore
Der Präsidentin wird die Resolution beider Häuser des Kongresses übermittelt, ihr das Rederecht vor den Kammern zu gewähren, um die State of the Union Address zu halten.
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