Presidency of Matthew Lugo

Es gibt 225 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 25.784 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Rex Covfefe.

  • Ich stimme mit Shawn überein, Mr. President.

    Tom Shore

    Senior Counselor to POTUS

    Former WH Communications Director | Former WH Press Secretary | Former NA Regent to the Astorian Institution

  • I guess so, Sir.


    Sagt er, nicht gerade froh aber ein wenig erleichtert.

    Tom Shore

    Senior Counselor to POTUS

    Former WH Communications Director | Former WH Press Secretary | Former NA Regent to the Astorian Institution

  • Rachel, lassen Sie doch bitte auch Tom das fertige Memo zukommen, schließlich muss er das verkaufen...

    Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D-AS)
    53rd President of the United States
    Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
    Liberty State

  • Das habe ich gehört, Mr President.


    verkündet er beim Eintreten in das Oval Offce.

    Shawn Gerald Bowman III

    U.S. Senator for Astoria

    Former Fink House Chief of Staff (Green Administration) | Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston)

    Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights

  • Ich denke, Mr President, nicht nur Sie machen sich einen Gehorsamsanspruch zu eigen, der einem Dietz würdig ist, sondern Ihre Mitarbeiter sind gleichermaßen folgsam wie die seinen.

    Shawn Gerald Bowman III

    U.S. Senator for Astoria

    Former Fink House Chief of Staff (Green Administration) | Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston)

    Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights

  • Ach lassen Sie mich doch mit Dietz in Ruhe, Shawn. Dieser Mann ist unseren Humor nicht wert und mit seiner Familie hatten wir in Astoria nun wirklich schon genug Ärger.

    Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D-AS)
    53rd President of the United States
    Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
    Liberty State

  • Handlung

    Er grinst.

    Alright, Mr President, dann streiche ich noch schnell ein paar Namen auf meiner Vorschlagsliste.

    Shawn Gerald Bowman III

    U.S. Senator for Astoria

    Former Fink House Chief of Staff (Green Administration) | Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston)

    Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights

  • Beth hätte ihre Freude mit Ihnen, Shawn.


    stellt er seufzend fest.

    Es geht um den Staff Secretary?

    Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D-AS)
    53rd President of the United States
    Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
    Liberty State

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