
Suchergebnisse 1-3 von insgesamt 3.

  • HandlungSitz zum ersten Mal auf dem altehrwürdigen Platz des Governors am Signing Desk und vollzieht mit seiner Unterschrift den letzten Schritt im Gesetzgebungsverfahren um die Executive Reorganisation. CERTIFICATE OF PROMULGATION WHEREAS a Bill has passed the Assembly of Astoria State on the 3rd of November 2016 AND WHEREAS the said Bill was then transmitted to the Governor to be signed and thereby made Law as provided for in the Constitution, NOW THEREFORE I, MATTHEW CÁRRION LUGO, GOVERNOR OF…
  • CERTIFICATE OF PROMULGATION WHEREAS a Bill has passed the Assembly of Astoria on the 12 of June 2017 AND WHEREAS the said Bill was then received by the Governor to be signed and thereby made Law as provided for in the Constitution, NOW THEREFORE I, MATTHEW CÁRRION LUGO, GOVERNOR OF ASTORIA STATE, ISSUE THIS CERTIFICATE: Die Port Authorities Bill soll mit dieser Bekanntmachung Rechtskraft und Geltung als Gesetz des Staates Astoria erlangen.Der Port Authorities Act als geltendes Recht im Staatsar…
  • CERTIFICATE OF PROMULGATION WHEREAS a Bill has passed the Assembly of Astoria on the 13th of November 2017 AND WHEREAS the said Bill was then received by the Governor to be signed and thereby made Law as provided for in the Constitution, NOW THEREFORE I, MATTHEW CÁRRION LUGO, GOVERNOR OF ASTORIA STATE, ISSUE THIS CERTIFICATE: Die Compact on the Establishment of the Astorian Institution RatificationBill soll mit dieser Bekanntmachung Rechtskraft und Geltung als Gesetz des Staates Astoria erlange…