Wolf Manor, D.C.

Es gibt 7 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 984 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Eugene Wolf.


    Liberty Lane 112


    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Richtet seine spontan erworbene neue Bleibe in D.C. ein wenig gemütlicher ein.

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Geht mit dem Hund spazieren.

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Geht erstmals in DC für die Präsidentschaft wählen.

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Kehrt im Anschluss an einen kurzen Abstecher nach Albertville und dem ehemaligen Haus seines Großvaters wieder mit Sack und Pack nach D.C. zurück.

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Beobachtet die Berichterstattung zu den aktuellen Wahlen.

    Früher war es spannender, das muss man wohl sagen. :kritischguck

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Fällt vom Stuhl, als er in der Zeitung liest, dass niemand ein Präsidentschaftsticket oder eine Kandidatur zum Repräsentantenhaus eingereicht hat.

    Die letzte Bastionen sind gefallen! :kopfschuettel

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

  • Handlung

    Nimmt die Vorgänge, die aus dem Weißen Haus an die Außenwelt gegeben werden, erstaunt zur Kenntnis.

    Eugene 'Gene' Wolf (R-NA)

    Former (61st) President of the United States

    Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

    Former U.S. Senator for the Republic of Assentia

    Former Governor of the Republic of Assentia

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